Charities: Ensure your charity is making effective use of what is to hand.

In today’s climate of financial hardship and limited resource availability, it is more important than ever to ensure your charity is making the most effective use of what is to hand. At BPM, we can guide you through assessing your service delivery and client needs.

Client Feedback

How do you know you are doing what your client needs?

More importantly, how do you know your service is meeting your client’s expectations?

We can take the stress out of collecting patient feedback and creating a plan of action, on what your clients say.

Needs Assessment

Let us guide you through exploring the best ways to understand the needs of your client.

Identify suitable data collection methods

We can develop an action plan to identify, collect, analyse and action your data.

Service Delivery Development

How often do you review your services against what your patients need?

Do you know how you spend your money and what value this adds to your client’s quality of life?

Are there more effective or efficient ways to deliver your services?